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3 Ways to Catch Your Coach’s Attention, by Luke Meier


Players are often times looking for a quick fix to improve their games.  There are no “quick fixes” in the game of basketball, but there are some things that you can do without any practice that can help you get the attention you may be looking for from your coaches.  Here are three things you can implement immediately that will definitely catch your Coach’s eye.

1.  Communicate! Coaches are always trying to get their players to communicate better on the floor.  Talking is something that any player can do regardless of skill level.  Don’t be shy or scared to be vocal on the floor, it’s something you can do right now to make your team better.

2.  Be First In Line! Coaches notice when players gravitate towards the front or end of lines in practice. In order to get in the front of the line, you will have to hustle.  Always being in the front of the line will show your Coach that you want to be a leader, you understand the need to be efficient in practice, and that you are eager to start drills and improve.  Again, this is something you can do immediately that will improve your team.

3.  Make Eye Contact! When your Coaches addresses you make sure that you look them in the eye.  Keeping eye contact shows that you are listening to the Coach and what they are saying is important to you.  Talking, bouncing a ball, or not paying attention sends a message that you would rather be doing something else with your time.

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