Steph Curry, simply put, is a phenomenon. What he has been able to accomplish, given his lack of NBA level athleticism, is beyond remarkable.
But, the deeper question is how? How has someone with so much stacked against him been able to accomplish so much?
I can sum it up in 2 sentences.
Confident enough to perform. Humble enough to prepare.
He has the unique balance of humbleness and work ethic. He’s humble enough to know he hasn’t arrived, and confident enough that he’s prepared. That his put in the time, he’s put in the work to know he deserves success. And it’s the level of humbleness that he has that allows him to continue to strive to get better. It’s this humbleness and desire to improve that helps him stay focused on the process.
Confident enough to perform. Humble enough to know you haven’t arrived.
How do you find that balance? I think it comes from a deeply rooted belief that you are not what you do. You might play basketball, but that doesn’t define who you are as a person. Your successes or failures don’t define you, and you certainly don’t use it as a barometer to let others validate you. It allows you go let go of the outcome, focus on the process and play the game with pure joy.
Whether you’re trying to make it to the League or just maximize your talent, here are 5 skills that Steph Curry uses that any player, at any level can implement into their game:
- Ball quickness to beat your defender
- Angles to play against bigger, stronger and more athletic players
- Change of pace to keep your defender off balance
- Ways to sell with your eyes, mouth, feet and shoulders
- Weak hand passing to handle pressure defense
We can’t magically add these skills to your game, but we can teach you how to efficiently, effectively and intentionally work on them. Join us over Holiday Break and chase your dreams.