It’s summer time. That means camps, hot gyms, loud music and working on your game. I can’t wait! The last 10 years we’ve worked with players from all different levels, challenging them to elevate their game.
- Middle School
- High School
- College
- Overseas
If you want to get to the next level here are 11 reasons you should attend our Summer Basketball Skills Camps
11. Off-season is the time when players are made. But, they need instruction. They need to be efficient in their workouts. The more efficient their workouts are, the quicker they see improvements and the sooner they buy in. It builds trust, giving them the confidence to push themselves outside their comfort zone.
10. Progression based teaching. Everyone says they do it, but we are actually doing it. We explain, demonstrate, drill….and…stop…teach…stop…correct…the ENTIRE day.
9. Learn to view pressure as an opportunity. When we change our perspective we have a tremendous opportunity to change our results.
8. A deeper insight to our teaching methodology. Even if you workout with us we’ll be breaking the game down even further, taking you into even more details, while giving you the big picture we are working to achieve.
7. An emphasis on life skills. Life skills are definitely learned and taught indirectly through sports. No question. But, we are intentionally teaching these concepts from a curriculum. We don’t want our players to be better people and better players. We want them to thrive.
6. The repetitions. 1,300 Dribbles Moves, 300 Finishes and 100 1 on 1 repetitions. Per day!
5. Increase your playing time next season. Even if your kids coach has a great offense, they aren’t going to be able to successfully execute it without the fundamental skills. Teams that win high school state championships or national championships in college, always have players that go on to play at the next level. Whether that’s high school to college or college to the NBA, these teams have players who can make plays. Bo Ryan spent the first 30 minutes of his 2014 Wisconsin Basketball Coaches Association Fall Clinic speech teaching passing and catching drills. I rest my case.
4. We’ll teach you how to leverage your off-season and focus on the right things for maximum impact. Players and teams who sweat in front of no one will achieve greatness in front of thousands. The foundation of elite players is built in the off-season. It’s not just about being effective it’s about being efficient. You achieve what you emphasize.
You’ll Also Learn:
3. Why playing low is a MYTH and how to actually be aggressive and play through contact.
2. Why stationary ball handling might be a waste of time and what you can do instead.
1. 5 Skills that make Stephen Curry an MVP candidate, without being a great athlete, and how you can implement these skills into your game.
July 1-2 | Wisconsin Dells, WI
July 13-16 | Eau Claire, WI
July 13-16 | Milwaukee, WI
July 20-23 | Milwaukee, WI
Not in your area? Drop us an email at and we’ll get back to you with information on how to bring us to your city.