As much as we want to be perfect, we usually won’t be.
As much as we want everything to go perfectly, it usually won’t.
That’s not a negative perspective, it’s reality.
Perfection is your best day ever. To expect perfection every single day is debilitating. Any mistake is unacceptable and with each one we spring into a downward spiral of poor performance. This is a recipe for unhappiness and discontent. Most importantly, it’s 100% unrealistic. The honest truth is that we all have great days, we all have bad days, and we all have days somewhere in-between.
Shift your mindset from perfect to best. Rarely will we be perfect, but we can always aim to be our best in each and every moment. Our best on Monday will likely be different from our best on Tuesday and Tuesday will be different from Friday. That’s okay… we aren’t robots.
At the end of each day ask yourself: “Did I get better today? Did I move another step towards my goal, my full potential?” If you can answer yes, you had a good day. Every day may not be a yes, but if you can have more “yes” days than “no” days, you’re on the right path.
When we stop trying to be perfect, the mind relaxes and better performance usually results.
By Luke Meier