“Catch Low! Finish High!”
“Stay Low! Be Shot Ready!”
Things you, I and many others have probably told your kids. And, it’s one of the games biggest myths.
When you really look at the mechanics of great shooters do they really start low? Absolutely not. Show me an example of one who does and his picture will show up when you Google “anomaly”.
This might shock you, but we actually teach our players to shoot the ball in this sequence.
High to low to High.
And you’re probably thinking to yourself.
“That’s wasted movement!”
“That’s slower!”
We want our players shooting the basketball in rhythm. This gets them there. We teach them to “time out” the pass so that they are catching it as they drop. This enables them to use their legs like a spring. It’s just science. Or biology.
Think about it. If someone is testing their vertical leap they don’t start in a squat position, hold it for a few seconds and then jump out of it. They start high, drop their hips, “gather themselves” and then explode up to try and reach the highest point. Why would we teach shooters any different?
We’ll cover this and several other shooting myths at our Scoring and Shooting camps this summer in Milwaukee and Wisconsin Dells
So if you aren’t getting the results you need…
Then you need to be HERE.