When I first met Mike Lee he had recently participated at a leadership conference at Duke University. Sharing his experience from that conference, one story in particular has always stuck in my mind.
After hearing several different speakers, Mike began having a conversation with an older gentleman also in attendance. At one point Mike made a comment to the man about how all the content was pretty much old news to him. He had already read much of what they had to say. The man’s response was simple, yet extremely profound:
“We’ve all heard this stuff before, but most people never apply any of it.”
That comment was the driving force behind my One Word for 2016:

We almost always know what we should do. We have an unlimited amount of resources and knowledge at our hands. The separator though, is some people apply that knowledge and most don’t. In my personal, professional, and family life my aim is:
Application of the knowledge I already possess.
Application of the knowledge I will continue to gain.
Application of the habits of success.
If you’re unfamiliar with One Word by Jon Gordon click here for a brief review and links to this book a few others I’ve read over the last couple months.