I’ll be honest… there was little to no reading going on for me March through May. I dedicated nearly every second of “free time” I had to watching game film of a few different NBA players and many of the college players I work with over the summer. Starting in June I decided I needed to get back on track towards my commitment to read consistently. It was also a reminder that you will never have extra time, so if something is important to you, you must make time.
I’ve also been traveling 3-5 hours at least twice per week for camps and training, so I’ve enrolled in “AUTOMOBILE UNIVERSITY” to make the time on the road more productive. Because of that I’ve included a couple podcasts in the list that I think are worth a listen.
Practice Perfect – Doug Lemov
This is a must read for any coach, trainer, teacher, business person, or leader. In any of these professions, the more you get out of practice, the more impactful and successful individuals and teams will be. Several of the rules in this book are core principles of how we run our training programs.
Got to Give the People What They Want – Jalen Rose
A great book, especially if you were a fan of the Fab Five. Jalen provides an honest look at his life and experiences as well as some very thoughtful insights into education, coaching, race, and much more.
The #AskGaryVee Show – Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary Vaynerchuk is a marketing mogul and extremely accomplished entreapenuer who uses his platform to share his story, beliefs, and business advice. His no BS approach is refreshing, real, educational, and entertaining.
Finding Mastery – Michael Gervais
Dr. Gervais is a high performance pyschologist who works with some of the world’s most elite athlete’s. His podcast is dedicated to interviewing the world’s elite in all area’s of life and finding out the processes, thoughts, and behaviors that go them to that point. I wouldnt say the podcast is enthralling, but it is full of little “nuggets” that a worthy of a listen.