The July reading list covers a wide span of topics. As I continue to read more, I’m finding that it helps me stay engaged when I vary the type of books I’m reading… it also helps when the books are good.
Shoe Dog – Phil Knight
This book is a personal favorite of mine. Much of the book is focused on the history before Nike made it big. The passion, struggle, work, and risk involved in the evolution of Nike is inspiring.
Well Connected – Gordon S Curtis
This is a worthwhile read for anyone looking to network, advance their career, and build mutually beneficially relationships in the business world. It’s a somewhat new take on how to network and gives you an almost step by step process to follow. Side Note: I strongly recommend not listening to this as an audiobook, especially when you’re driving. There’s so much information that you’ll need a pen and paper or highlighter ready.
Tribal Leadership – Dave Logan
An interesting look into behavior and leadership. Tribal Leadership outlines 5 stages that people operate under and addresses the behavior of each stage and how to help lead others to the next stage. One major takeaway from this book is that individuals may have a aren’t set in any stage and may fluctuate from one stage to another from day to day.