I truly believe that having a vision for yourself is the first step to achieving success —your definition of success. Some people say the first thing you need is a work ethic, but if you don’t have a clear vision you don’t know what you’re working towards. We don’t chase things because of what they are. We chase things, we dream about things because of the meaning we attach to them and the way they will make us feel when we earn them. And without mindfulness you can’t be completely aware of your thoughts and feelings.
I co-founded Drive because I knew nothing else in my professional life made me feel better than helping kids with big dreams achieve big dreams. Especially kids with so much stacked against them. With so much guilt, shame and negativity in their life. To know I had a part in getting them access to opportunities they couldn’t get anywhere else, helping them develop a vision and providing hope. That’s what made me feel on top of the world.
If you are not aware of your thoughts and feelings, how can you expect yourself to have an authentic vision that aligns with what your heart wants? It is the fundamental building block of your journey. In any type of adversity a person, business, teacher, athlete will always revert to their fundamentals in times of distress. What vision or belief are you truly committed to and rooted in? This is what is going to keep you going when you think you can go no more.
“It’s the effort after you’ve given your all that matters the most” – Unknown
What do you want to be when you grow up? No, seriously, what would you be if there was no chance you could fail? You can’t listen to the people who tell you that you can’t or shouldn’t. The only reason they tell you that you can’t is because they are jealous of your talents, dreams and skills. If someone is in a position like a parent, the reason they tell you shouldn’t is because they don’t want you to hurt from a potential failure. But that’s only because they view failure and struggle as permanent — not part of the growth process. Maybe they don’t know how to dream or know that the most successful people in the world started everything with a dream, and vision, for where they want to take their life.
So with the new year upon us and everyone making resolutions, I’m encouraging you to dream again. No matter where you’re at. Because without that dream you’ll never be passionate enough to follow through, focus on the process and persist through adversity.
What does your dream smell like?
What does your dream feel like?
What does your dream sound like?
What does your dream, in a specific and detailed way, look like it?
Stop trying to work harder.
Start dreaming bigger.