The past year has not been easy on my body. That’s putting it lightly. Actually when I first moved to Los Angeles, my roommate, Joshua Medcalf told me it looked like I could barely walk.
I’ve spent thousands of dollars spent on chiropractic care, acupuncture, dry needling, sports medicine, deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy — you name it I’ve tried it.
I was on the phone the other day with my insurance company trying to figure out if I could actually get any of this reimbursed before the year ended.
And, all I really wanted to know is if the treatments I received were even eligible for reimbursment. But, I kept getting the same scripted answer “have you practitioner fill out the reimbursement form and we’ll follow up with you”. Which I wasn’t going to waste my time doing if the treatments I received were not even eligible.
So I had to ask the rep at least 4-5 different questions trying to get the same answer that I needed.
And, finally after about the 5th question she gave me the information I needed and I was able to proceed with my day.
It got me to thinking though…
How many times during a workout or practice have I told a player the same thing over and over again expecting him to just “get it”? If we want our players to understand better and learn quicker we have to be better at asking questions. Better at teaching in short phrases not paragraphs.
If your players or kids aren’t picking something up right away do you have the awareness to take a step back and think “how can I rephrase this or change my communication?” Do you detach yourself emotionally from the situation because your kids aren’t picking something up and think “What can I learn here? How can I get better?”
The best communicators find ways to connect. And, they are relentless in finding the best way to connect with their kids.
Dream Big. Reach High. Thrive3.
PS. For more information on communicating with your players check out these articles